Monday, May 16, 2011


In the course of my very first job out of college I met a woman. She was older than me - I'd have guessed her to be somewhere in her 40's. To do the math for you, I'd guess maybe a 20 year age gap. Or, at very least 10.

We got along well enough. I don't recall what our connection was exactly, but I do know it was enough to result in us exchanging email addresses when I left that job to go to graduate school.

Now I don't know what it is about that generation of email users, but I've noticed a trend such that my parents' age-ish have a high propensity to send forwards. You know those obnoxious emails that think Microsoft is going to send you money for signing the petition, or that angels will pray for you so you're not late to work if you send the email to 30 friends...those kinds of forwards.

So back when we first exchanged email addresses forwards were pretty popular. I can say I was probably pretty guilty of forwards myself.

Ten years later, with the exception of some of the older folks, I'd say forwards have mostly died out. Sadly, this is not the case for her.

I get a lot of emails of these type. By a lot I mean, probably 5 a week. And they tend to be in little bursts.

So, what do you do? Sure, I can delete them. Which I do. But we're going on ten years of deleting. On occasion when I do take a peek, they're the same old stupid ones from 10 years ago. I don't think I've seen a personal email note in I don't know how long - but easily 7 years at best.

Ultimately, I did what any normal person would do. I just marker her email address as spam.

Problem solved, right?

Temporarily. Appears she's now requested access to chat with me on gmail.

Really? I have zero interest. Zero. So, I declined the invitation.

Problem solved, right?

Ugh, I got another request today. I'm at a loss.

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