Friday, May 14, 2010


"I am not perfect and have never claimed to be. I did the best I could to raise you with self esteem, pride in your accomplishments and the strength to accomplish all your dreams. Yes, I made mistakes. We all do. Of course you will never have to learn that as you are too selfish to ever have children of your own.

If you cannot respect me for who I am, then so be it, but, do not go out of your way any longer to spew your hatred to others and don't bother trying to prove your hatred to me, I am so fully aware of it you have no idea.

I am sorry I failed you and wish you only the best.
Here's my interpretation of the small excerpt from my mother's response to my email that I hoped she had a nice day on that day that was Mother's Day.
Woh is me, woh is me. I was a great mom and have no responsibility for this unexpected dislike of me.
You're to selfish to have children so you don't know how hard my job was.
If you can't love me for being someone who's not only dependant on the state for income and someone who has figured out all the loopholes to screw the system but who writes these hateful emails when you don't behave according to my internal script or don't lend me money when I haven't gotten enough from the state, than fine. I'll just eat worms.
Woh is me, woh is me.
To selfish to have children, huh? Really, a big part of it is I don't want to continue to lineage of the poor parenting that I experienced. I have had no good role models of what parenting looks like, and I want no part in causing the pain and mental anguish that has been my childhood and adulthood of trying to please a mother that was INSANE. Well, except PC but I figure he has free will to leave if I get too out of control.
So, I thought I was done before. But now I really am. I responded only that she should no longer send emails or calls as I will no longer accept the abuse. Which, I might add, went over REALLY well. But instead of doing a point by point recap of how she was insane, I reiterated that I was no longer accepting emails or phone calls. Because I am done accepting the abuse. Because that is what it has been. Mental abuse. 
I have no mother. I have no responsibility for her health, well being, or whatever the fuck else she does with her final years.
Angry? Yes. In anguish that it came to this? Most definitely.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this.
    She sounds incredibly difficult and I'm sorry you didn't have a childhood that you can look back and think that: I want to do better than my mother (which is what my own mom did, as she hated her childhood with my grandmother) She's very passive. That's so irritating.
    I'm just so sorry.

  2. This sucks. It just sucks. I wish it were, and had always been, different.

  3. It's hard when a mother is anything but.
    I'm glad you can see that she is a toxic force in your life and that you deserve better than that.

  4. So sorry Abbey. PP is right, you deserve better.
