One of the major requirements of my advisor upon signing that little piece of paper that says I am done with grad school, is the promise to publish the dissertation.
Like most, I was willing to promise anything just to make the grad school hell end. And, part of me knew my diss was pretty damn good. And, frankly, I find publishing a secret addiction. I love the affermation that I wrote something worth putting in print and the possibility that someone somewhere will site me.
As a first step toward meeting this promise, I submitted a poster on a very very small part of my diss. Something that was clean and easy to write up. Something that came out as expected, but interesting to a broader audience.
At the poster itself, I had quite a few people stop to chat. Asking where this is being published because it's a great contribution. Then, running into advisor at the conference-watering-hole, I was again asked when I was publishing.
My answer was "Eventually" or "Soon" or something to that effect.
Then, I got an email from the conference folks asking to conduct an interview about the paper to be published on their website and 'selected other media outlets'.
Holy shit! Really?!?!
And that is when I caved. I emailed Advisor to ask where to send the paper to begin the reviewing process for publication. And, that is when the guilt associated with doing all the formating and eventual responses to reviewers was placed right back on my head.
Future-self is going to HATE me.
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