Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter

Today we're hosting our first Easter dinner at the castle. We've got the usual bickering about how much cleaning is needed and how quickly it needs to be done...but more importantly, I'm pleased that PC is into it. He drug me to Pier One last night, purely so we had classy Easter decorations. Including springy placemats, a table runner, and some fuzzy chicks. And, thought to buy us fresh flowers (this is something I've been trying to train him on, and it seems to be taking hold a bit) for the table.

This is a completely opposite experience from the ex, Youngin, who explained to our Easter dinner guests how religion was assinine and religious people were a bunch of followers.

Yeah, that went over really well.

Also interesting is a trend I'm noticing on the popular networking site. I seem to have more religious friends of late. Not that that's a bad thing. Just interesting. Several people have Bible verses quoted. One even talked about how she explained to her kids how the Easter Bunny is fake, that Jesus was the reason, and then gave them "Easter" baskets. Granted, I've recently friended more of my middle school friends, and I'd say that's partially more of the religious leanings. But I see it too in the highschool friends to some degree. Perhaps it's that I went to a Baptist middle school and a Catholic highschool?


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