Monday, August 8, 2011

The logical choice

Sometimes life doesn't have logic.

Imagine you have two candidates for a position.
One is a rock star on paper. Degree is from a good program, good publication record, good past work experiences, and interviews well. The other candidate is ho-hum on paper. Not an amazing program, not an amazing record, but can probably get the job done.

Now, in fantasy-world (apparently) the choice is clear.

Additional factors is that there is little opportunity for advancement, the work itself isn't super challenging or very much of it, and turnover is a concern because if there's a vacancy it may not be refilled.

Ok, so now who would you choose? Same choice?

Apparently, tis better to go with the average candidate who won't expect much, won't be as attractive to competing organizations, and more likely to stay.

I just have to shake my head.

I feel bad for the rock star who interviewed, probably went home thinking it was a hole-in-one, and will never understand why the position wasn't won. That said, the rock star probably has a chance for many other positions so...there's always plan B.


  1. They must not think very highly of what they can offer a star candidate to believe that the person is likely to leave.

  2. Psychgrad - that's exactly my thought. There's no logic that perhaps we change the situation, not the quality of the employee. Unfortunately, it's for my current office. So, it's the world I live in. :( It's also a big part of why I plan to leave as well.

    So for clarification, this post is not about the position I interviewed for. That is still in play.

  3. Having now met ho-hum...I'd have to I'd be pissed if I was the rockstar and knew who beat me out.
